Inclusive recreation: The tipping point is within our sight

It is likely that inclusive recreation will transform from a legally-mandated service that agencies address primarily because it's the law (and politically correct), to an embraced and genuine philosophy that welcomes and accommodates people of all abilities. It is as if the philosophy and accompanying best practices supporting inclusion are in a cart approaching the top of a steep hill. Through the decades of the 1970s, '80s and '90s, recreation practitioners, advocates, family members and researchers have collaborated to pull the inclusion cart up the steep hill of recreation service delivery in an effort to reach the "land of inclusive opportunities." At times, substantial energy pushed and pulled the cart up the hill. At other times, the force of gravity took its toll and the cart rolled backwards. Nonetheless, the peak, or "tipping point," is currently in our sights. With one final pull, the cart will glide swiftly down the other side of the hill, and inclusive service delivery will proliferate and flourish within the field of recreation, facilitating stronger and healthier people and communities along its path. What is exciting about Gladwell's perspective is that his identified three change agents, the Law of the Few, the Stickiness Factor, and the Power of Context, can be used to deliberately move positive epidemics forward.