Urban Roads Appraisal.
This note is our response to SACTRA's invitation to submit suggestions for desirable and practicable improvements in methods for assessing options for the strategic improvement of urban roads. We understand that SACTRA's emphasis is on the economic and environmental appraisal of a range of options from traffic management to major road construction. Our note reflects this. It draws on our experience in research into a wide range of urban transport problems and solutions (Kirby, 1984), our recent review of procedures for policy formulation and appraisal in the provincial conurbations (May et al, 1984), our close working relationship with West Yorkshire MCC, and the local government experience of some of our members, particularly with the GLC.
This note serves to highlight some of our concerns about the appraisal process. Part one considers in turn:
Necessary extension of the appraisal process.
The style of the appraisal process.
The need for consistency between the forecasting and evaluation procedures.
The need for improvement in the analysis/forecasting techniques used in appraisal.
The scope for technical discretion and its influence on results.
Part two gives more detail on some of the topics discussed in part one - references to it are embedded in the text of part one - but does not detail our specific proposals for dealing with the issues raised. Further information on our ideas on these topics could be provided on request.
A central concern, which lies behind many of our comments, is that the currently recommended procedures for appraising inter- urban road schemes would be quite inappropriate to urban road schemes. They are, we believe, surpassed by procedures currently in use in some of the larger local authorities let alone by the latest technical developments and research findings which have yet to become standard practice.