Gender, Small-scale Industry and Development Policy
Introduction: gender aspects of small scale industry and development policies, Isa Baud. Part 1: perspectives on the role of small scale industries in Third World development small scale industry's contribution to economic development, Roger Teszler subcontracting - the incorporation of small producers in dynamic industrial networks, Peter Knorringa and Hermine Weijland the labour process under amoebic capitalism - a case study of the garment industry in a south Indian Town, Pamela Cawthorne. Part 2: gender aspects and policy experiences in small scale industries forms of production and women's labour - gender aspects of industrialization in India and Mexico, Isa Baud gender inequality - labour market and household influences, Ines Smyth women in small scale industries some lessons from Africa, Marilyn Carr women's organizations and subcontracting - a case study from India, Mira Savara. Part 3: case study - the footwear industry recent trends in the world footwear industry, Ferenc Schmel developments in the Indian leather and leather products industry, K. Seshagiri Rao small scale units in the Agra leather footwear industry, George Waardenburg women outworkers in the Neapolitan leather trade, Victoria Goddard.