탄소중립형 신도시 조성을 위한 가이드라인 개발

This study has intended to develop a carbon neutral new city guildeline to cope with climate change under level, this study consists of the following two steps. First, as for building a guideline form as reflected a spatial characteristics, spatial factor and development factors of 5 zoning(detached housing, apartment housing, commerce?business, innovation-cluster, industrial land) was drawn through a case study of design guideline and district units. Second, 10 planning domains(energy, industry?resource, spatial structure of urban, architecture, urban forest, agriculture, reducing the generator temperature, air quality control, flood and quantity of water control, quality of water control, etc) was applied to each spatial factor as a development factor considering the characteristic of spatial factor of 5 zoning. This study has found the following results. It is divided a location to 5 zoning, the guideline form was developed through draw spatial factor and development factor of 5 zoning. And the guideline was developed by consideration of the characteristic of spatial factor of 5 zoning and application of planning domain, it appeared following characteristic; detached housing zone specialized solar energy, geothermal energy, household waste recycling, traffic calming, passive design, urban vegetable garden. Apartment housing zone specialized solar energy, geothermal energy, household waste recycling, open space, micro-climate, urban vegetable garden, commerce ? business zone specialized solar photovoltaic energy, mixed-use development, pedestrian mall, transportation transfer system, zero energy house design, micro-climate, urban vegetable garden. Innovation-cluster zone specialized solar photovoltaic energy, bicycle path, household waste recycling, zero energy house design. Industry zone specialized solar photovoltaic energy, industry waste recycling, playground, zero energy house design.