Life's Work: Geographies of Social Reproduction

Notes on Contributors. Life's Work: An Introductionm Review and Critique. Katharyne Mitchell, Sallie A Marston and Cindi Katz. Part I: Education and the Making of the Modern (Trans)national Subject. 1. Imagined Country: National Environmental Ideologies in School Geography Textbooks: John Morgan. 2. Indigenous Professionalization: Transnational Social Reproduction in the Andes. Nina Laurie, Robert Andolina and Sarah Radcliffe. 3. Producing the Future: Getting To Be British. Jean Lave. Part II: Domesticity and Other Homely Spaces of Modernity. 1. Domesticating Birth in the Hospital: "Family-Centered" Birth and the Emergence of "Homelike" Birthing Rooms. Maria Fannin. 2. Adolescent Latina Bodyspaces: Making Homegirls, Homebodies and Homeplaces. Melissa Hyams. 3. Of Fictional Cities and "Diasporic" Aesthetics. Rosemary Marangoly George. Part III: Modern Migrants/Flexible Citizens: Cultural Constructions of Belonging and Alienation. 1. Valuing Childcare: Troubles in Suburbia. Geraldine Pratt. 2. Toque una Ranchera, Por Favor. Altha J Cravey. 3. Human Smuggling, the Transnational Imaginary, and Everyday Geographies of the Nation-State. Alison Mountz. Index.