DHCP: A Guide to Dynamic TCP/IP Network Configuration

1. Introduction. Overview of DHCP and Related Protocols. The IETF and Relevant Documents. A Digression on Terminology. Finite State Machines. Byte Order and Network Transmissions. Classes and Subnets. The Example Network. Plan for the Rest of the Book. 2. BOOTP, The Bootstrap Protocol. Client and Server: Who Does What When? The BOOTP Database. Protocol Basics. Routers and BOOTP. Summary. 3. The DHCP Protocol. DHCP Design Goals. The DHCP "Lease". DHCP Packet Format. DHCP Messages. DHCP Client State Machine. Summary. 4. DHCP Operations: The Client's View. Getting a Lease. Renewing and Rebinding. Reusing a Lease. Releasing a Lease. Getting Other Parameters. Errors, or What To Do When You Don't Get What You Want. Summary of Fields and Options. Summary. 5. DHCP Operations: The Server's View. Assigning Address Leases. Expiring a Lease. Static IP Assignments. Summary of Fields and Options. Summary. 6. DHCP Relay Agents. Why We Need Relay Agents. What Does a Relay Agent Do? Summary. 7. Dynamic DNS. Overview of DNS. What's the Name of My Machine? Dynamic Updating. DDNS and Security. Summary. 8. Administering DHCP. ISC's dhcpd. Windows NT Server's DHCP Server. Summary. 9. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) and DHCP. What Is LDAP? Integrating LDAP and DHCP. Summary. 10. IP Version 6 and DHCP. Overview of IPv. IPv6 and DHCP. Summary. 11. The Future of DHCP. New Options for DHCP. Current Option Drafts. Secure DHCP. Reliable DHCP. How To Make a Difference. Appendix A: DHCP Vendors. "Free" DHCP Servers. Commercial DHCP Servers. Appendix B: DHCP Options. Appendix C: The Requests for Comments. Glossary. Bibliography. Index.