This paper presents a medium access control (MAC) protocol called TUTMAC for a new wireless local area network (TUTWLAN). The design objective has been to develop a simple, multimedia service capable protocol that provides sufficient medium utilisation efficiency and guarantees QoS (quality of service) parameters. The developed system utilises a centralised (base station controlled) network architecture. A limited number of portable stations can be associated with the same base station, i.e. in the same TUTWLAN cell. TUTMAC is connection oriented: the bandwidth is allocated deploying constant bit-rate TDMA based data channels that are reserved by exchanging short control messages. The connection parameters can be dynamically altered during the data exchange session. Currently, a TUTWLAN prototype is being developed comprising both TUTMAC software and platform hardware modules. The prototype will support up to eight simultaneous data-transfer connections each having 64 to 512 kbit/s data transmission bandwidth.
D.F. Bantz,et al.
Wireless LAN design alternatives
IEEE Network.
Kwang-Cheng Chen.
Medium access control of wireless LANs for mobile computing
Timo Hämäläinen,et al.
Security design for a new wireless local area network TUTWLAN
Ninth IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (Cat. No.98TH8361).
Frédéric J. Bauchot,et al.
IBM Wireless RF LAN Design and Architecture
IBM Syst. J..