Study of continuous detonation in an annular channel

In [1--4] a descr ip t ion is given of the p roces s of continuous combust ion of a 2C2H2 + 502 mixture in an annular channel at r a t e s two o r d e r s g r e a t e r than the normal burning ra te for this mixture . P rev ious studies by Voitsekhovskii showed that the ra te of rotat ion of the br ight ly luminescent regions or "heads" observed in the chamber during this p roc e s s is about 800 m / s e c . This value is th ree t imes s m a l l e r than the Chapman-Jouguet veloci ty for this mixture and about 50 t imes g r e a t e r than the no rma l burning rate . The exper iments , the resu l t s of which a re published in this a r t i c l e ,we re conducted with a view to c lar i fying the nature of this effect.