The Display Terminal Experiment System (DTES) is a specialized system for preparing, executing, and analyzing experiments involving the presentation of text materials and the recording of response latencies. The system includes: materials preparation routines, an experiment description language and translator, a real-time experiment monitor program, and data recovery and data analysis programs. DTES is intended to enable users with little or no computer programming experience to construct and run sophisticated real-time experiments. The major features of this system are: (1) a complete package for handling every phase of the experiment from materials preparation to elementary data analysis, and (2) the experimenter is permitted to run an arbitrary number of subjects concurrently with each in a different experimental condition.
Peter G. Polson,et al.
Real-Time Computing in Psychology at the University of Colorado.
Peter G. Polson.
SCAT: Design criteria and software
Frank Restle,et al.
Monitoring experimental results
G. W. Osgood,et al.
Pleiades: Real-time-sharing control in the behavioral science laboratory
Robert S. McLean.
PSYCHOL: A computer language for experimentation
Ronald W. Wood,et al.
Interfacing the experimenter to the computer: languages for psychologists. [SCAT; INTER-ACT; SKED; FORTRAN]
William M. Waite,et al.
A language independent macro processor
Commun. ACM.