The abundances of CH4, CH3D, NH3, and PH3 in the troposphere of Jupiter derived from high-resolution 1100-1200/cm spectra

High-resolution ( = 1 cm/sup -1/) spectra of the 1110--1200 cm/sup -1/ region of the central part of Jupiter were obtained in 1980 March and 1981 April. The best fit NH/sub 3/ distribution curve shows a higher than solar mixing ratio, (NH/sub 3/)/(H/sub 2/) = (3.3 +- 1.7) x 10/sup -4/, below the 147 K layer (>0.6 atmosphere). If we introduce NH/sub 3/ ice particles as an opacity source, the NH/sub 3/ mixing ratio below the 147 K layer can be lowered, but the fit is worse than that given by the model excluding NH/sub 3/ ice particles. The best fit PH/sub 3/ distribution curve has a (PH/sub 3/)/(H/sub 2/) mixing ratio of (8.3 +- 2.0) x 10/sup -7/ in the troposphere. We also found a (CH/sub 4/)/(H/sub 2/) mixing ratio of (2.5 +- 0.4) x 10/sup -3/ in the troposphere. The derived D/H ratio is 3.0/sup +1.1//sub -0.8/ x 10/sup -5/. Most of the flux in this spectral region comes from layers above the 170 K level (<1 atmosphere).