Fruit Color Properties of Different Cultivars of Dates(Phoenix dactylifera, L.)

Lolo, Khalas, Berhi, Fard and Bomaan are among the most famous date cultivars in the United Arab Emirates. Color properties of those cultivars were investigated to explore the possibilities of using them as a segregation criterion. Date image was taken using a digital camera and the color was fragmented into red, green and blue (R, G, B). Using image analysis software, frequency distribution of image pixels colors was calculated and the mean value was used to compare between the different cultivars. Results showed that, color luminosity and all color ingredients (R, G and B) may be used to differentiate between Lolo and Bomaan where the blue should be used to discriminate between Berhi and Bomaan as well as between Berhi and Khalas. This research provides the foundation for a new computerised date variety recognition system.