Röntgenologische Befunde schwerer Nierenverletzungen im Kindesalter

: The radiological findings in 21 children aged between four and 14 years, suffering from severe renal trauma, are described. Various radiological signs are described and their value and frequency are discussed. Plain films provide only non-specific evidence. Contrast extravasation during an excretions urogram is the only reliable sign of rupture. Immediate angiography in order to exclude vascular damage is indicated if there is no contrast excretion by the damaged kidney. Angiography at a later date should be carried out if there is persistent haematuria, in cases of doubt regarding the excretion urogram, or when it is impossible to decide on the basis of the excretion urogram whether operative or conservative treatment is indicated. Regular observation is necessary, both after operative and conservative treatment, in order to recognise complications at an early stage.