Motor repair specifications and repair-replace options for forest products and other industries

There are several general industry repair standards and guidelines currently available. The repair industry is largely represented by the Electrical Apparatus Service Association (EASA), headquarted in St. Louis, Missouri. EASA serves 2500 members worldwide and has developed standards and guidelines dealing with the repair and service of electric motors. This paper presents the basic sources of a motor service and repair guideline and is built upon the experience of the EASA organization and its membership. Applicable elements from other guidelines and standards have also been incorporated. The scope of this paper deals with squirrel-cage induction motors in the 1 to 3000 horsepower range-those typically found in the forest products industry. This paper examines the repair or replacement of the stator, rotor, shaft, bearings, fans and mechanical parts (hardware and accessories). Attention is also given to testing, verification, analysis and possible corrective actions to prevent or eliminate future failures. Options for motor replacement are also considered.