A Two-Stage Big Data Analytics Framework with Real World Applications Using Spark Machine Learning and Long Short-Term Memory Network

Every day we experience unprecedented data growth from numerous sources, which contribute to big data in terms of volume, velocity, and variability. These datasets again impose great challenges to analytics framework and computational resources, making the overall analysis difficult for extracting meaningful information in a timely manner. Thus, to harness these kinds of challenges, developing an efficient big data analytics framework is an important research topic. Consequently, to address these challenges by exploiting non-linear relationships from very large and high-dimensional datasets, machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) algorithms are being used in analytics frameworks. Apache Spark has been in use as the fastest big data processing arsenal, which helps to solve iterative ML tasks, using distributed ML library called Spark MLlib. Considering real-world research problems, DL architectures such as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) is an effective approach to overcoming practical issues such as reduced accuracy, long-term sequence dependency, and vanishing and exploding gradient in conventional deep architectures. In this paper, we propose an efficient analytics framework, which is technically a progressive machine learning technique merged with Spark-based linear models, Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) and LSTM, using a two-stage cascade structure in order to enhance the predictive accuracy. Our proposed architecture enables us to organize big data analytics in a scalable and efficient way. To show the effectiveness of our framework, we applied the cascading structure to two different real-life datasets to solve a multiclass and a binary classification problem, respectively. Experimental results show that our analytical framework outperforms state-of-the-art approaches with a high-level of classification accuracy.

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