Indigenous Psychologies: The Meaning of the Concept and its Assessment: Introduction

La signification des concepts de psychologie indigoene et d'indigoenisation, les processus par lesquels ils se realisent, est explore dans les quatres premiers articles de ce numero special. Les concepts sont examines tout d' abord a partir des perspectives plus larges de la psychologie sociale des sciences (Adair) et la psychologie interculturelle (Poortinga), ainsi que dans deux applications concretes des approches de psychologie indignee au Mexique (Diaz-Loving) et en Coree (Kim, Park, et Park). Dans la seconde partie, trois articles rendent compte des recherches empiriques evaluant l'ampleur du developpement indignee en Turquie, ex-URSS, au Venezuela, et Porto-Rico. Cette introduction au numero special resume quelques uns des points communs et des differences dans les contributions. The meaning of the concepts of indigenous psychologies and of indigenisation, the process by which they are achieved, are explored within the first four articles of this special issue. The concepts are examined initially in the abstract from the broader perspectives of the social psychology of science (Adair) and cross-cultural psychology (Poortinga), and in two concrete applications of indigenous psychology approaches in Mexico (Diaz-Loving) and Korea (Kim, Park, & Park). In the second part of this special issue, three articles report on empirical research assessing the extent of indigenous development that has occurred in Turkey, the former USSR, Venezuela, and Puerto Rico. This introduction summarises some of the commonalities and differences among the contributions.