Conflict Resolution in Cooperative Systems.
Abstract : This report describes an integrated conflict resolution methodology in terms of its potential to reduce cognitive conflicts within cooperating human-intelligent systems environments. Three specific components of this methodology are presented. The first component, The Description/Depiction of Total Knowledge Concepts, explains a representational schema for depicting and isolating conflicting processes/states. The second component, Resolution Processes within Total Knowledge Concepts, proposes a baseline conflict resolver along with a review of theoretical positions regarding the processes of conflict resolution. This stage also describes the requirements for integrating human and non-human intelligent systems through the use of the humane intelligence perspective. The result of this union is the creation of an intelligent architecture of resolution. The role of blackboard and processing models is outlined for such an architecture. The third component, Experimentation in Human Conflict Resolution, suggests direction that conflict resolution research must go to make significant contributions. Emphasis throughout the report is on human cognitive analogues that provide examples for the modeling of conflict resolution processes. Keywords: Decision making; Artificial intelligence; Man-Machine interaction; Cognitive science; Artificial intelligence; Default logic; Conflict resolution; Decision making; AI; Knowledge; Real-time expert systems; Cooperative systems; Knowledge engineering.