임진왜란 전후 중앙군제의 변화

The government of Joseon Dynasty transformed the central army system in three respects. First, it transformed the way to control the soldiers. It abolished the personal control system which was made in the period of military regime of Goryeo Dynasty and introduced a public control system in 1400. But there was a serious short coming in this system. While the generals could command soldiers allotted to them in theory, they did not have any soldiers in fact. Because the soldiers were consisted of peasants who worked in their fields in peacetime. To overcome this shortcoming Hunryondogam(訓鍊都監) introduced the private control system in 1593. Second, the government of Joseon Dynasty abolished the rotation system of soldiers. King Taejong(太宗) introduced the rotation system of Gabsa(甲士) to prevent any personal relationship between generals and Gabsa. But military abilities of Gabsa fell severely and the rotations were not kept correctly. King Seonjo(宣祖) said in a sharp regret that Gabsa were not soldiers but peasants. Therefore Hunryondogam which was founded in the Japanese Invasion of 1592 was consisted of standing armies. Third, The government of Joseon Dynasty transformed the main forces of armies from cavalry soldiers to infantry soldiers. Because cavalry soldiers who should take their turns from distant regions tried to evade their duties in early period of Joseon Dynasty. The decrease in the number of horses which was made worse in the development of agriculture after 16 century and the sharp rise of price of the horse made their carrying out their duties more difficult. Moreover the government of Joseon Dynasty learned the superiority of matchlock during the Japanese Invasion of 1592. The armies of Joseon Dynasty whose main forces were cavalry soldiers were defeated by the Japanese armies which used matchlock.So the government of Joseon Dynasty tried to train soldiers to use guns. The introduction of matchlock influenced greatly the military industry of Joseon Dynasty.