Epilepsy: Frequency, Causes and Consequences

This book has been compiled for the Epilepsy Foundation of America by Allen Hauser and his associate at the Sergievsky Center of Columbia University, New York, NY. Hauser has long been a most productive investigator and teacher in neurology and neuroepidemiology and, in particular, the epidemiology of the epilepsies. This work, then, may properly be taken as an authoritative exposition of the state of the art. Epilepsy consists of 10 chapters plus a rather short glossary and index. In order, they are as follows: "Incidence and Prevalence," "Risk Factors," "Genetics," "Prevention," "Pregnancy and Teratogenesis," "Prognosis," "Intellectual and Psychological Factors," "Employment," "Mortality," and "Seizures and Developmental Disabilities." Each chapter begins with a summary and ends with suggestions for future research, followed by a critically annotated and highly appropriate list of references. These last are current, with several from 1989 and more than a few "in press" or "submitted." The studies reviewed