Warlpiri Morpho-Syntax: A Lexicalist Approach

1: Introduction.- 1.1. Preamble.- 1.2. Events and participants.- 1.3. The model.- 1.3.1. The lexicon.- 1.3.2. Word-formation.- 1.3.3. Constituent structure trees.- 1.3.4. Functional structure.- 1.3.5. Semantic interpretation.- 1.4. Interactions.- 1.4.1. Insertion of words, not phrases.- 1.4.2. Changes in argument-structure.- 1.4.3. Transferral of information.- 1.4.4. Gapping and coordination.- 1.4.5. Anaphoric islands.- 1.4.6. Derivational cases.- 1.4.7. Anaphoric islandhood revisited.- I: Non-Configurationality.- 2: Simple Sentences.- 2.1. Introduction.- 2.2. Constituent structure of sentences.- 2.2.1. Phrase structure rules.- 2.2.2. Interpreting X Theory.- 2.2.3. Functional heads of Warlpiri sentences.- 2.2.4. Other functions.- 2.2.5. Morphological information.- 2.2.6. Semantic information.- 2.2.7. Information from the AUX.- 2.2.8. Building an f-structure.- 2.2.9. General well-formedness conditions on f-structures.- 2.2.10. Transitive sentences.- 2.2.11. Selection of case by verbs.- 2.3. Projection of VP.- 2.3.1. Against v.- 2.3.2. The V? constituent.- 2.3.3. Infinitive plus verb.- 2.3.4. Nominal plus verb-forming suffix.- 2.3.5. Preverb-verb structures.- 2.3.6. Lexical V?.- 2.4. Nominals.- 2.4.1. Uses of nominals.- 2.4.2. Projection of N.- 2.4.3. Heads of nominal constituents.- 2.5. Conclusion.- 3: Pronominals.- 3.1. Introduction.- 3.2. Null pronominals.- 3.2.1. Introduction of PRO.- 3.2.2. Clitic-doubling.- 3.2.3. Jelinek.- 3.3. Default values.- 3.3.1. Introduction.- 3.3.2. Unregistered subject.- 3.3.3. Unregistered object/ Ethical Dative.- 3.3.4. Paradigmatic gaps and the Null Element Constraint.- 3.3.5. Conclusion.- 3.4. Reflexives and pronominal reference.- 3.4.1. Reflexives and reciprocals.- 3.4.2. C-command or f-command?.- 3.4.3. -kariyinyanu.- 3.5. Conclusion.- 4: Case.- 4.1. Introduction.- 4.2. Uses of case in Warlpiri.- 4.2.1. ARG: Argument-relaters.- 4.2.2. ATP: Argument-taking predicates.- 4.2.3. ATT: Attribute use of case-markers.- 4.3. ATT: Case as an agreement marker.- 4.3.1. Case on Nominals selecting SUBJECTs.- 4.3.2. Nominals that do not select SUBJECTs.- 4.3.3. Agreement of ADJUNCTs.- 4.4. Case as argument-taking predicate.- 4.4.1. Matrix predicates.- 4.4.2. Adjuncts.- 4.5. Representing case-marked nominals.- 4.5.1. Functionally complex words.- 4.5.2. Morphological assignment of functions.- 4.5.3. Double case-marking.- 4.6. Grammatical case-suffixes.- 4.6.1. Ergative as argument-taking predicate.- 4.6.2. Dative.- 4.6.3. Absolutive.- 4.7. Summary of case representation.- 5: Discontinuous Expressions.- 5.1. Introduction.- 5.2. Adjuncts in nominal constituents.- 5.2.1. Adjuncts within REL nominals.- 5.2.2. Adjuncts within ATP nominals.- 5.2.3. Summary.- 5.3. Discontinuous expressions.- 5.3.1. The REL use.- 5.3.2. ATP discontinuous expressions.- 5.4. Derivational case-suffixes.- 5.5. Summary.- II: Grammatical Functions in Warlpiri.- 6: Selected Functions.- 6.1. Introduction.- 6.1.1. Arguments and Adjuncts.- 6.1.2. Lexical Mapping Theory.- 6.2. Selected grammatical functions.- 6.2.1. SUBJECT in Warlpiri.- 6.2.2. OBJECT in Warlpiri.- 6.2.3. OBJECT? in Warlpiri.- 6.3. Linking rules.- 6.3.1. Semantic role hierarchy.- 6.3.2. Linking of semantic roles to case.- 6.3.3. Linking of semantic roles to grammatical functions.- 6.4. Preverbs that add Dative OBJECTS.- 6.4.1. Preverbs which require a Dative argument.- 6.4.2. Preverbs which add a Dative argument.- 6.5. OBLIQUE.- 6.5.1. Features of OBLIQUEs.- 6.6. Dative ADJUNCTs.- 6.6.1. Features of ADJUNCTs.- 6.7. Conclusion.- 7: External Participants.- 7.1. Introduction.- 7.2. EXTERNAL OBJECTS.- 7.2.1. EXTERNAL OBJECTS in isolation.- 7.2.2. EXTERNAL OBJECT preverbs.- 7.2.3. The -rlarni complementiser suffix.- 7.2.4. EXTERNAL OBJECTS - selected or not?.- 7.2.5. Two registered Dative arguments.- 7.2.6. Double registration and pleonastic EXTERNAL OBJECTs.- 7.2.7. Analysis of the EXTERNAL OBJECT.- 7.3. Revised feature matrix.- 7.4. Uses of underspecified GFs.- 7.4.1. Controllers of complementisers.- 7.4.2. Agreement with the AUX.- 7.4.3. Grammatical functions and clitic position.- 7.5. Conclusion.- Appendices.- List of Abbreviations.- Sources of Warlpiri Data.