Media and methods for isolation of aeromonads from fecal specimens. A multilaboratory study.

An international multilaboratory study was conducted to establish the optimal combination of culture media, incubation time and temperature for recovery of aeromonads from stools using blood ampicillin (10 mg/l) agar (BAA), starch ampicillin (10 mg/l) agar (SAA), and cefsulodin irgasan novobiocin agar (CIN) with alkaline peptone water (APW) for enrichment. Optimal recovery of aeromonads (167/186) occurred using BAA (37 degrees C; 24 h) and CIN (25 degrees C; 48 h) with APW (25 degrees C; 24 h) subcultured to BAA (37 degrees C; 24 h) and CIN (25 degrees C; 48 h).