Steady-state kalman filtering with an H∞ error bound

An estimator design problem is considered which involves both L<sub>2</sub> (least squares) and H<sub>∞</sub> (worst-case frequency-domain) aspects. Specifically, the goal of the problem is to minimize an L<sub>2</sub> state-estimation error criterion subject to a prespecified H<sub>∞</sub> constraint on the state-estimation error. The H<sub>∞</sub> estimation-error constraint is embedded within the optimization process by replacing the covariance Lyapunov equation by a Riccati equation whose solution leads to an upper bound on the L<sub>2</sub> state-estimation error. The principal result is a sufficient condition for characterizing fixed-order (i.e., full- and reduced-order) estimator with bounded L<sub>2</sub> and H<sub>∞</sub> estimation error. The sufficient condition involves a system of modified Riccati equations coupled by an oblique projection, i.e., idempotent matrix. When the H<sub>∞</sub> constraint is absent, the sufficient condition specializes to the L<sub>2</sub> state-estimation result given in [2]. The full version of this paper can be found in [10].