BEM analysis of electromagnetic components filled with unconventional materials

Purpose – To devise a parametric study using a new application of the boundary element method (BEM) and to propose an efficient approach for speeding up the computation time of the BEM based on neural networks (NNs).Design/methodology/approach – A 3D finite elements formulation is combined with radial basis function NNs to speeding up the computation time.Findings – The paper shows how to estimate the role of thin slabs filled with unconventional media in order to increase the coupling values when placed between two metallic strips in a coupled microstrip line layout or to improve the shielding properties when used as absorber.Research limitations/implications – The numerical results here presented are not bianisotropic but can be easily extended to take into account bianisotropic media.Originality/value – The formulation is one of the only with the potential for investigating unconventional bianisotropic media like Chiral materials which are seen as one possible route to achieving double negative media.