In This Issue This focus section offers reports from Asia and North America on corporate-wide implementations of software process improvement programs guided by process standards such as ISO 9000-3 and the Capability Maturity Model. 4–6 Unfortunately , a paper describing a successful corporate wide program in a European company was withdrawn just as this issue was being sent to the printer. The section begins with Gargi Keeni's " Evolution of Quality Processes at Tata Consulting Services. " Keeni describes the decade-long effort to achieve high maturity at TCS in India. The article describes how Tata took a centralized approach to complying with ISO 9000-3, but a phased approach in deploying the CMM. She discusses some of the challenges and methods used in deploying practices at higher CMM levels. She also presents focus D uring the first half of the 1990s, IEEE Software reported the benefits of successful process improvement programs from single sites or divisions in companies such as Hughes, 1 Raytheon, 2 and Mo-torola. 3 During the latter half of the 1990s, many organizations have learned how to implement improvement programs across multiple sites and to spread best practices and lessons learned.
Michael Diaz,et al.
How Software Process Improvement Helped Motorola
IEEE Softw..
Mark C. Paulk,et al.
How ISO 9001 Compares With The CMM
IEEE Softw..
Raymond Dion,et al.
Process improvement and the corporate balance sheet
IEEE Software.
Watts S. Humphrey,et al.
Software process improvement at Hughes Aircraft
IEEE Software.
Watts S. Humphrey,et al.
Characterizing the software process: a maturity framework
IEEE Software.
B. I. Blum,et al.
Characterizing the software process
Mark C. Paulk,et al.
The Capability Maturity Model: Guidelines for Improving the Software Process