Erratum to Andruff, Carraro, Thompson, Gaudreau, and Louvet (2009): Latent Class Growth Modelling: A tutorial

An error was found in Andruff, Carraro, Thompson, Gaudreau, & Louvet (2009). Here we identify the error and present a correction. On page 14 of the original article, an error was made in the calculation of the average posterior probability of group membership for Trajectory 3. The final sentence on this page should read “Returning to the hypothetical data set displayed in Table 1, the posterior probabilities of participants 4 and 6 with Trajectory 1 are averaged to obtain the average posterior probabilities of group membership for Trajectory 1 [ ( ) 0.93 1.00 2 0.97 + ÷ = ] as are the posterior probabilities of participants 2 and 3 with Trajectory 2 [ ( ) 1.00 .86 2 0.93 + ÷ = ], and the posterior probabilities of participants 1 and 5 with Trajectory 3 [ ( ) 0.80 .76 2 0.78 + ÷ = ].” The authors would like to thank D. S. Wood for noting the error in the original paper. References Andruff, H., Carraro, N., Thompson, A., Gaudreau, P., & Louvet, B. (2009). Latent Class Growth Modelling: A tutorial. Tutorials in Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 5(1), 11-24.