A content analysis of the research published in the Journal of Counseling Psychology (JCP) was conducted for a 26-year period (1973-1998). A total of 2,027 articles were classified into 14 substantive content categories. Frequency distributions were used to identify the most frequently published authors and institutional affiliations, as well as the gender and ethnic characteristics reported. The principal areas of research activity and publication in the JCP were process only, process and outcome, vocational behavior research, and the development and evaluation of tests and measures. These 4 categories accounted for 55.2% of the articles examined. Typical reported samples contained college students of both genders. This content analysis revealed that over this 26-year time span, the research reported in the JCP has remained consistent with the mission statement of the journal.
S. Rude,et al.
Looking to the Future
F. G. Brown.
Seven Years of the Journal: A Review.
M. E. Rogers,et al.
Classics and Emerging Classics in Counseling Psychology.
D. Lindsey.
The Scientific Publication System In Social Science
C. Hill,et al.
Trends in psychotherapy process research: samples, measures, researchers, and classic publications
Scott E. Maxwell,et al.
Research productivity in psychology based on publication in the journals of the American Psychological Association.