Achieving the network support by using GPS measurements in order to build an industrial area in the Beliu locality, Arad County.
The paper aimed was to enhance Beliu village geodetic network in Arad County for the construction of an industrial area. Beliu village is located in western Romania in the north west of Arad County between Black River and White River on Beliu valley, 20 km away from Sebis and 20 km from Ineu. In order to achieve the network support using the static method three Leica equipment 1200 dual frequencies L1/L2, each equipped with one Ax 1202 GG antenna. For determination, were used three fixed positioning references: Arad, Gurahonţ and Beius. Overall route were placed three pairs of terminals in protected places, easily accessible by car, outside the private areas. For setting the new points has been carried out only one measurements session and the average stationary on a spot was one hour and twenty minutes. To get results as accurate as possible and provide more stability and confidence in solutions was used a specialized software to process GPS data provided by the Swiss company Leica, named Leica Geo Office Combined version 8.2., a program that allows downloading, storing, sorting, processing and compensation the network simultaneously. The three points determined by GPS, were transformed in STEREO 70 coordinates through the TRANSDAT version 4.01. Coordinates (X, Y, Z) of the new points will underpin the design and execution works in an industrial area in the village Beliu, Arad County.
[1] A. Leick. GPS satellite surveying , 1990 .