D U I{ IN I; the. depression years. the Minneapolis schools have g-iven much thought to the formulation of 3,n underIving philosophy : of education. Principals' me~iil)gs have heen concerned \\'iththis discussion. Teachers. at group conferences held in the individual buildings, have considered the matter and contributed their findings to groups of principals and supervisors. The results of these meetings and conferences' were summarized. and briefly stated are:1. The Minneapolis schools cannot build a new social order. but they can train. 'pupils to think dearly about social problems. Teachers can teach tolerance for other people's opinions, co-operation in worthwhile tasks. fair play. and honesty both in school and out. These ideals have been accepted and tested .. throughout the history' of . 6u~ American democracy. The school is responsible for social betterment in so far as the society in which we live sanctions activities and attitudes leading toward the improvement of that -society. 2. The !\Iinneapolis schools believe that the effectiveness of a person depends upon his ability to adjust himself. to his social order. The important fact to remember is that this is not: a static order hilt :i dynamic nnrl changi ng one. The schools are