The energy sector is in the process of opening its vast databases for research and development purposes. This builds on top of more specific decentralized data exchange between a few specific operators, such as a district heating company and an energy trader/broker. The connection is typically based on a secured full two way “normal” internet connection. Such a connection can be challenging for smaller projects since the initial investment and operation cost demands a corresponding higher value creation. Furthermore, the thought of an “open” connection to the internet can challenge many decision-making processes. Better safe than sorry seems to dominate the decision making-process. This project suggests a simple way to share data between a district heating company and potential users of the data. By ADAM BRUN1, NINA DETLEFSEN2, CHRISTIAN HOLMSTEDT HANSEN2, ALEXANDER BOYE BOES2 and PER SIEVERTS NIELSEN3 1 Aarhus School of Marine and Technical Engineering; 2 Grøn Energi, Denmark; 3 Technical University of Denmark, Denmark. First published January 2021 Methodology for simple exchange of data between energy operators CITIES Centre for IT Intelligent Energy Systems