Use of multi-level self-regulating agents to evaluate the impact of innovation policy for the agro-food sector in the Region of Puglia, Italy

This work aims at exploring the possibilities offered by agent-base modelling techniques in evaluating the outreaching effects of innovation policy measures. This aim is accomplished by modelling and simulating the organisations’ and systems’ reactions to the introduction of alternative set innovation policy strategies in the Agro-food sector of the Puglia region (Italy). The policy measures selected for this exercise are inspired by the innovation policy documents of the Regional Government in particular the Programme for Rural Development (2007 – 2013) and regard the promotion of organic agriculture and OGM-free cultivar; the introduction of a zero-food-miles strategy and new regulations and controls to prevent food adulterations. In order to validate and showcase our agent-based model as a policy impact assessment tool, the paper presents the results of the simulations of three scenarios of intervention. This research intends to provide researchers and policy makers with an additional tool to inform the decision-making process especially in the phase of setting policy objectives and designing new policy measures and strategies.