Minimizing Carbon Emissions for Vehicle Routing and Scheduling in Picking up and Delivering Customers to Airport Service

Vehicle routing and scheduling problem (VRSP) is the important problem in manufacturing systems automation and business services, which often aims at the shortest path or the minimal cost for the optimization and management objectives. Under the mandatory carbon emissions policy, there is another important objective for the managers to reduce carbon emissions by optimizing the transport paths of the logistics. In this paper, a 0-1 mixed integer programming model is proposed to minimize carbon emissions for the airport shuttle service. An improved NPFDS algorithm with the partition from both time and geographical is proposed. Using different type and size test cases, this paper analyzes the fuel consumption per person that is from four respective dimensions, which are the customer position distribution, the customer scale, the vehicle capacity and the customer satisfaction degree. Some conclusions and references for the airport shuttle service configuration and service degree setting are also obtained.