Multivariable Aeroengine PID Control With Amplitude Saturation: An LMI Solution

This paper presents an approach to automatic tuning of the parameters of a PID controller for the multivariable gas turbine engine control, taking into account amplitude saturation and model nonstrict-properness. First of all, we illustrate that the PID controller design problem can be transformed into seeking a static output feedback controller for some augmented state-space model. Then we compute an initial stabilizable parameters of the involved PID controller in the strictly proper case, using a well-known static output feedback algorithm. As far as a non-strictly proper model is concerned, this paper uses a degenerate linear transformation to change its output equation into a strictly proper form. The drawback of the initially computed PID controller lies in its high gains (triggering amplitude saturation) that prevent it from being applicable to practical gas turbine engine control. In this paper, we build on a linear matrix inequality (LMI) based antiwindup scheme to address the constraints from amplitude saturation. Both of these problems are formulated in the LMI framework and can be efficiently solved using off-the-shelf software. Experimental results show the promising performance of the proposed method.Copyright © 2010 by ASME