Amino acid composition, protein content and calculation of nitrogen‐to‐protein conversion factors for 19 tropical seaweeds

The use of nitrogen‐to‐protein conversion factors (N‐Prot factors) is the most practical way of determining protein content. The accuracy of protein determination by this method depends on the establishment of N‐Prot factors specific to individual species. Experimental data are needed to allow the use of this methodology with seaweeds. The present study was designed to characterize the amino acid composition and to establish specific N‐Prot factors for six green, four brown and nine red marine algae. Mean values for individual amino acids tended to be similar among the three groups, but some differences were found. Green algae tended to show lower percentages of both aspartic acid and glutamic acid than the other two groups of algae. The percentages of both lysine and arginine were higher in red algae, while brown algae tended to show more methionine than green and red algae. The actual protein content of the species, based on the sum of amino acid residues, varied from 10.8% (Chnoospora minima, brown algae) to 23.1% (Aglaothamnion uru‐guayense, red algae) of the dry weight. Nitrogen‐to‐protein conversion factors were established for the species studied, based on the ratio of amino acid residues to total nitrogen, with values ranging from 3.75 (Cryptonemia seminervis, red algae) to 5.72 (Padina gymnospora, brown algae). The relative importance of non‐protein nitrogen is greater in red algae, and consequently lower N‐Prot factors were calculated for these species (average value 4.59). Conversely, protein nitrogen content in both green and brown algae tends to be higher, and average N‐Prot factors were 5.13 and 5.38, respectively. An overall average N‐Prot factor for all species studied of 4.92 ± 0.59 (n = 57) was established. This study confirms that the use of the traditional factor 6.25 is unsuitable for seaweeds, and the use of the N‐Prot factors proposed here is recommended.

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