A Compositional Approach for Verifying Protocols Running on On-Chip Networks

In modern many-core architectures, advanced on-chip networks provide the means of communication for the cores. This greatly complicates the design and verification of the cache coherence protocols deployed by those cores. A common approach to deal with this complexity is to decompose the whole system into the protocol and the network. This decomposition is, however, not always possible. For example, unexpected deadlocks can emerge when a deadlock-free protocol and a deadlock-free network are combined. This paper proposes a compositional methodology: prove properties over a network, prove properties over a protocol, and infer properties over the system as a whole. Our methodology is based on theorems that show that such decomposition is possible by having sufficiently large local buffers at the cores. We apply this methodology to verify several protocols such as MI, MSI, MESI and MEUSI running on top of advanced interconnects with adaptive routing.

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