Quality measure model of music rhythm using Genetic Algorithm

Pattern recognition in rhythm of Tabla instrument in ICM (Indian Classical Music) is very complex task that is the combination of speech, audio, and their signal processing techniques. In this paper we proposed a system that identify the basic source rhythm and then modify the rhythm to improve the quality of source rhythm by using Genetic Algorithm. In simple terms, rhythm is a word that refers to the length of each note in a piece of music, the combination of beats. In order to develop high quality of rhythm in an efficient manner, it is essential to identify the correct sequence of the different PRAKAR of Tabla rhythm like, THEKA, UTHAN, TUKADA, RELA, LAGGI, KAIDA, TIHAI, CHAKRADAR, etc. PRAKAR means different sorts of rhythmic compositions used in Tabla. The focus of this study is to explore the efficiency of Genetic Algorithm to search for an optimum combination of rhythm to improve the Music Quality Metric.

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