고속도로 영업소 광장의 럼블스트립 관련 소음평가

PURPOSES : This study evaluated a measuring technique for tire-pavement interaction noise that uses a noble close proximity (NCPX) method as well as for noise level measured inside of a car (e.g., Inside Noise Level) in term of rumble strips constructed at a tall gate. METHODS: According to the measurements of NCPX and inside noise level (INL), 1/3 octave band frequency analysis and overall noise level calculation were conducted in order to evaluate noise levels of NCPX and INL, depending on types of rumble strips. RESULTS : The tested sections of general concrete pavement surface and two different types of rumble strips were evaluated, using 1/3 octave band frequency analysis and overall noise level. From the analyzed results, it can be concluded that rumble strips generate a relatively huge noise levels when compared to the concrete pavement surface. CONCLUSIONS: Noting that above 3 dBA different noise levels can let drivers know that they are getting close to toll gate; therefore, they should apply their brakes. Thus, the noise levels of rumble strips are required to be reduced, based on considering the neighbors living near toll gates.