A Vertical Array Of Directional Acoustic Sensors

A vertical line array of sixteen low-frequency DIFAR (DIrectional Frequency Analysis and Recording) sensors has been designed and constructed, and was deployed from the R/P FLIP during an engineering sea test in July, 1991. The purpose of this paper is to describe the array design, while a companion paper discusses the preliminary analysis of data from the sea test. Each DIFAR sensor consists of a hydrophone, three orthogonally mounted geophones, a compass for azimuthal orientation, 16-bit analog to digital converters, and digital telemetry. The sample rate is programmable; for the sea test it was set at 600 Hz, with an acoustic band limit of 270 Hz. In addition, the sensors have the capability of receiving array localization pulses from a transponder net on the sea floor. Using the sensor orientation and position information, the hydrophone and geophone outputs can be combined to point a beam in any desired look direction. Incorporating multiple sensors in a vertical array provides resolution in both the horizontal and vertical simultaneously.