A study of the response of bottom structures of fast craft is being carried out at Det Norske Veritas as part of the NTNF Fast Craft Programme. In order to determine the relationship between slamming loads and the induced responses in conditions where the slamming impacts are clearly defined, a series of model drop tests is being performed. Models representing various hull constructions are dropped into water from a range of heights and with a range of impact angles. Pressures, accelerations and strains are measured at several points in each test. Models constructed of stiffened aluminium plate and GRP sandwich have so far been tested. These tests give considerable insight into the way in which slamming pressure pulses propagate over the hull surface, and into the structural deformations that are generated. They also allow the influence of hull flexibility on the pressure distributions and histories to be investigated. By coupling the measurements with static and dynamic numerical simulations, the validity of simplified calculation methods, such as those used in classification rules, can be assessed. A series of measurements has also been taken of the response of the GRP sandwich hull of a coastal rescue craft to slamming impacts while in service. These give valuable indications of the slamming loads and stress levels encountered in extreme conditions.