GRAB: GRAdient-Based Shape-Adaptive Locomotion Control

Adaptive systems enable legged robots to cope with a wide range of environmental settings and unforeseen events. Existing reactive methods adapt either the walking frequency or the amplitude to only simple perturbations. This letter proposes an adaptive mechanism for central pattern generator (CPG)-based locomotion control that online-reacts to both internal and external soft constraints by adapting both the frequency and amplitude of driving signals. Our approach, namely GRAdient-Based shape adaptive control (GRAB), utilises real-time sensory signals for adapting the dynamics of the CPG. GRAB reacts to locomotion soft constraints given in a loss function. It can quickly adapt CPG’s dynamics variables to reduce such a loss, with a gradient-descent-like update step. The update perturbs the shape of the driving signal, which implicitly changes both frequency and amplitude of the robot locomotion pattern. We test the GRAB mechanism on a hexapod robot and its simulation, where we demonstrate its several benefits over a state-of-the-art adaptive control baseline. First, we show that it can be used for reducing the tracking error by simultaneously changing the walking amplitude and frequency. Also, GRAB can be used for limiting the maximum torque/current, preventing motor damage from unexpected perturbations. Finally, we demonstrate how GRAB can be utilised to naturally adjust the robot’s walking speed while taking into account multiple constraints, including target walking speed, external weight perturbations, and the robot’s physical limit.