Group Based Common-Receiver/DS CDMA Wireless Networks And (GBCR) Code Protocol for Its Performance Study

A spreading code protocol (GBCR protocol)suitable for DS CDMA wireless data networks is proposedin this paper. The network is co-ordinated by a centralstation (CS) which maintains a database tracking each user's status. Users are divided intogroups, each of which is assigned a “group-basedcommon” (GBC) code used by a transmitter in thegroup to acquire the current state of its target. Data communication is allowed only after apositive ACK packet from the CS is received by thetransmitter, so that all successful terminals aresheltered by the CS from possible third-partyinterference which may use the same receiver-based code.Analytical results reveal that the GBCR protocol caneffectively improve network stability andthroughput-delay performance.