Parallel Processing in Neural Systems and Computers

General Introduction. Development and Application of Parallel Computers. New Concepts of Information Processing in the Brain. Parallel Processing in the Visual System. Self-Organization and Learning in Neural Networks. Evaluation of Artificial Neural Networks. Hardware and Software Simulators for Neural Networks. Neural Networks for Visual Pattern Recognition. Neural Networks for Auditory Pattern Recognition. Neural Networks for Motor Control. Selected Applications for Neural Networks. Parallel Processing in Artificial Intelligence. Optical and Molecular Computing. Indices. References. Invited Papers: Neuroinformatics and Cybernetics (G. Hauske). Processing of Figure and Background Motion in the Visual System of the Fly (W. Reichardt). Internal Representations and Associative Memory (T. Kohonen). Neural Network Models for Visual Pattern Recognition (K. Fukushima). Adaptive Resonance Theory: Neural Network Architectures for Self-Organizing Pattern Recognition (G.A. Carpenter, S. Grossberg). Recognition of Patterns and Movement Patterns by a Synergetic Computer (H. Haken). Parallel Process Interfaces to Knowledge Systems (K.H. Becks, W. Burgard, A.B. Cremers, A. Hemker, A. Ultsch). Apparent Motion and Other Mysteries (J.A. Feldman). Novel Logic and Architectures for Molecular Computing (J.R. Barker). New Laser Techniques for Quasi-Molecular Storage (D. Haarer). Learning in Optical Neural Networks (D. Psaltis, D. Brady, K. Hsu).