Exploiting cache locality to speedup register clustering

Physical design tools must handle huge amounts of data in order to solve problems for circuits with millions of cells. Traditionally, Electronic Design Automation tools are implemented using Object-Oriented Design. However, using this paradigm may lead to overly complex objects that result in waste of cache memory space. This memory wasting harms cache locality exploration and, consequently, degrades software runtime. This work proposes applying Data-Oriented Design on the register clustering problem. Differently from the traditional Object-Oriented design, the Data-Oriented Design programming model focus on how the data is organized in the memory. As consequence, this programming model may better explore cache spatial locality. In order to evaluate the impact of using the Data-Oriented Design programming model for register clustering, we implemented two software prototypes (a sequential and a parallel implementation) of the K-means clustering algorithm for each programming model. Experimental results showed that the sequential Data-Oriented Design implementation is on average 7.5% faster when compared to the Object-Oriented Design implementation, while its parallel version is 15% faster when compared to the Object-Oriented one.

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