Objectives: There are several myocutaneous flaps used for chest wall reconstruction. However, in some cases, usage of these flaps is not suitable. If the patient is female, we aimed to show that use of the breast tissue while saving its lateral and medial pedicles is an option for the reconstruction. Patients and Methods: Our study included four female patients who presented with recurrence of cancer (50-year-old with malign thymoma, 60-year-old with left lung cancer, 41-year-old with chondrosarcoma, and 49-year-old with a history of intraductal carcinoma). Mammary tissue can be elevated either to its lateral or medial pedicles and used as an advancement flap. Results: Breast tissue was used for the reconstruction as an advancement flap on either its lateral or medial pedicles on all patients. In the follow-up of the patients, there was no circulatory problem of the flaps or necrosis. The first three patients have died due to their primary diseases. The fourth patient is being followed up by the oncology department with no local recurrence yet. Conclusion: In selected female patients, breast tissue is a good choice for reconstruction due to its rich blood supply and easy accessibility. Turkish Baslik: Komplike Kadin Olgularda Toraks Duvari Defektlerinin Meme Ilerletme Flepleri ile Onarimi Anahtar Kelimeler: Gogus duvari rekonstruksiyonu; flep; meme Amac: Toraks duvari defektlerinin rekonstruksiyonunda miyokutan flepler kullanilmaktadir. Fakat bazi hastalarda bu fleplerin kullanimi uygun olmayabilir. Eger hasta bayansa, meme dokusunun lateral veya medial pedikulleri korunarak ilerletme flebi seklinde rekonstruksiyon amacli kullanilabilecegini gostermek amacindayiz. Hastalar ve Yontemler: Calismamiza gogus cerrahisine kanser nuksu nedeniyle basvurmus dort kadin hasta dahil edildi (50 yasinda malin timoma, 60 yasinda sol akciger kanseri, 41 yasinda kondrosarkom, 49 yasinda intraduktal karsinom nuksu). Meme dokusu lateral veya medial pedikullerine baze ilerletme flebi olarak kullanilabilmektedir. Bulgular: Tum hastalarda rekonstruksiyon meme dokusunun medial veya lateral pedikullerine baze ilerletme flebi seklinde kullanimiyla yapilmistir. Takiplerinde flep dolasimiyla ilgili bir soruna veya nekroza rastlanmamistir. Ilk uc hasta primer hastaliklari nedeniyle kaybedilmistir, dorduncu hasta onkoloji tarafindan takiptedir ve lokal nuks yoktur. Sonuc: Secilmis kadin olgularda zengin kanlanmasi ve kolay ulasilabilir olmasi nedeniyle meme dokusu rekonstruksiyon icin iyi bir secenek olabilmektedir.
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