Interlibraryloan of electronic journals: A survey of JMLA libraries.:A survey of JMLA libraries
Electronic journals are widely used by many academic libraries in Japan.The National Institute of Informatics (NII) has provided the NACSIS-CAT (Union Catalogue Database System) and the NACSIS-ILL (Interlibrary Loan System) for university libraries in Japan. In these systems, libraries can register their electronic journals holdings as well as their printed journals. However, inter-library loans of electronic journals are not allowed by many libraries. To determine why interlibrary loan requests for electronic journals are often rejected, we sent a questionnaire to 47 JMLA libraries in the Kanto District in July 2003.Only 3 of the 47 libraries accepted requests for electronic journals unconditionally. The remaining libraries were concerned about legal issues. However, many publishers now allow interlibrary loans of their electronic journals. Furthermore, all proposals made by the JMLA consortium allow interlibrary loans.Thus, JMLA libraries can allow interlibrary loans of electronic journals without fear of legal problems.