Let $G$ be a matching covered graph. Two edges $ e_1$ and $e_2$ of $G$ are {\it equivalent} if $\{e_1,e_2\}\subseteq M$ or $\{e_1,e_2\}\cap M=\emptyset$ for every perfect matching $M$ of $G$. An {\it equivalent class} of $G$ is an edge set $S$ of $G$ with at least two edges such that the edges of $S$ are mutually equivalent. Lovasz gave a characterization of the equivalence classes in a brick: if $S$ is an equivalence class of a brick $G$, then $|S|= 2$ and $G-S$ is bipartite. For matching covered graphs, there are infinitely many 2-connected graphs with an arbitrarily large equivalent class. Recently, He et al. [Journal of Graph Theory, DOI: 10.1002/jgt.22411, 2018] asked whether there exist infinitely many 3-connected matching covered graphs with an arbitrarily large equivalent class. By constructing infinitely many $k$ $(k\geq 3)$-connected matching covered graphs with an arbitrarily large equivalent class, we give a positive answer to this problem. Moreover, we consider the equivalent classes in cubic graphs. If $G$ is a 3-connected cubic matching covered graph, $E_0$ is an equivalent class of $G$, then $|E_0|\leq 2b(G)$, where $b(G)$ is the brick number of $G$.
Claudio L. Lucchesi,et al.
On a Conjecture of Lovász Concerning Bricks: I. The Characteristic of a Matching Covered Graph
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B.
Claudio L. Lucchesi,et al.
Graphs with independent perfect matchings
J. Graph Theory.
László Lovász,et al.
Matching structure and the matching lattice
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B.
Shaohui Zhai,et al.
On Perfect Matchings in Matching Covered Graphs
J. Graph Theory.
Michael D. Plummer,et al.
On n-extendable graphs
Discret. Math..
Frank Harary,et al.
Graph Theory
Claudio L. Lucchesi,et al.
Ear Decompositions of Matching Covered Graphs
Tsuyoshi Murata,et al.
Nishad Kothari,et al.
On Two Unsolved Problems Concerning Matching Covered Graphs
SIAM J. Discret. Math..
W. T. Tutte.
The Factorization of Linear Graphs
Nishad Kothari,et al.
On Essentially 4-Edge-Connected Cubic Bricks
Electron. J. Comb..