Data Science for the Internet of Things

The influence of the Internet of Things (IoT) and related produced data is destined to revolutionize economic and social society, even more incisively than the advent of digital. The creation of the IoT world would have been much more complicated if a big data structure had not been followed since the latter allows to analyze vast amounts of data. The IoT is the most significant flow of information collected on the Internet and, therefore, the largest supplier for big data systems, artificial intelligence (AI), and data science. Advanced statistical analysis techniques, neural networks, and AI algorithms, but also the ability to create mathematical models that best represent a physical phenomenon or social behavior, these are the new strategic assets in the digital transformation process that is facing the world of industry and services. In fact, collecting data is not enough: they must be managed, integrated, and compared with a mathematical model that formalizes the intrinsic knowledge in the experience and competence of people.