Enhanced target detection using P300 and gamma band analysis

We present a novel method which uses the P300amplitudes and Gamma band energy for enhanced targetdetection in P300 paradigms which are being researchedtowards a brain biometric system. The novelty of thiswork lies in the usage of both P300 amplitudes alongwith gamma band features which were calculated fromaveraged waveforms using thirty trials (Target and Non-target) for eight channels. P300 amplitudes wascalculated in the 300-600ms range and Gamma bandenergy was computed in the 30-50 Hz using Shannonenergy for target and non-target. A simple decisionmaker was used to classify the obtained feature vectors.Initial results confirm the possibility of using gamma band energy along-with P300 analysis in an oddball paradigm for better classification accuracies. This studyoffers motivation warranting further need to explore thelinks between P300 and Gamma band in P300 paradigms.