Educational Game Application Development on Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems Treatment in Android Platform
The classification and codification of diseases and related problems is one of the competences of medical recorder as stated in Kepmenkes RI.377 in 2007. The current problem is the lack of reference exercise in learning KKPMT (Klasifikasi dan Kodifikasi Penyakit dan Masalah Terkait) in Program Diploma-III Medical Recorder and Health Information Malang State Health Polytechnics. The purpose of this research is to design android based KKPMT educational application to improve students understanding of KKPMT course. This investigation was using pre-experiment, one group pretest-posttest with waterfall development method. The population in this study was all the students active in year two of Program Diploma-III Medical Record and Health Information Malang State Health Polytechnics. The result of the implementation showed that after the use of KKPMT educational game application with the diagnosis code G the percentage was above minimum, passing value increased from 6% before using the game to 94% after implementation of the game application. Results of the statistical test by paired t-test showed p-value 0,000 <0.05. The conclusion was that android game software help students in understanding the KKPMT subject matter.
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