Paul And Philo on Circumcision: Romans 2.25–9 in Social and Cultural Context

Stimulated by the work of D. Boyarin, the topic of circumcision is examined in Philo (Spec. Leg. 1.1–11; Migr. Abr. 89–93) and Paul (Rom 2.25–9). Philo limits his allegorizing tendencies in view of the conservative instincts of the Jewish community. Paul is far more radical in relation to Jewish opinion: Rom 2.29 indicates his willingness to dispense with human praise in such matters. On the other hand, his intellectual framework is far less acculturated than that of Philo; pace Boyarin, none of the contrasts in Rom 2.28–9 reflect Hellenizing influence. Paul's hermeneutical revolution matched no contemporary form of Judaism.