The use of SCOOT outputs at ROMANSE in Southampton

The ROMANSE (Road Management System for Europe) Project main objectives have been to influence travels' behaviour by the widespread dissemination of traffic and travel information. These have been achieved through the formation of the Traffic and Travel Information Centre (TTIC), which collects, evaluates and disseminates real-time and predicted information for various modes of transport. Through this process, it is hoped to enhance the efficiency of the network, provide high quality information for strategic decisions, and to encourage a change in modal shift in favour of public transport. The core system in the TTIC is the SCOOT (Split Cycle and Offset Optimisation Technique). SCOOT is a well established method of providing real time adaptive signal control. The City is a core partner in two R&D projects, titled PRIME and PRISCILLA via the DGInfosoc Directorate and both use SCOOT outputs.