Developing aLogopaedic Mobile Device UsinganFPGA
Inthis paper wewill describe adevice developed for * thedimensions ofthefinal device should besmall children withspeech disorders caused bybadpronunciation or enough tobeusedevenbysmall children; evenbybadhearing ofcertain phonemes. First, wewilldefine * tohavearechargeable battery. speechfluency andspeechfluency disorder. Speechfluency designates theeasyandconfidant construction ofaphonic stream thatisunderstandable tothereceiver. Speech fluency disorder III. WHY FPGA? points totheelements whichsignificantly impair theconstruction Inorder toanswer thisquestion, wehavetodetermine the ofthephonic stream andwhichmakeunderstanding bythe hardware requirements forourmobiledevice: receiver difficult (apartial definition, illocutionary connector in * amicroprocessor (faster isbetter); theformofametalingual commentary). Speech fluency disorder, * amicrophone andaspeaker; sodefined, isaninherent quality ofstuttering 111. * aADC forrecording audiosamples andaDAC for ~~~~~~~~~~~there weren't PDAswithADC/DACconverters and, second, small children dowiththis device should besimilar with t w simple gamesthat sometimes give bonuses totheplayer. we needsome realtime responses fromthedevice, whichis Themainidea behind theconcept ofamobile device for notthecasewithPDAoperating system. children withspeech disorder isthat, sometimes, they can Eventually, we hadtochoose fromtheother twopossible interact better with alifeless device thanwith ahumanbeingsolutions. We choose theFPGAbecause we candesign/use a whocould sometimes argue withthem. ~~~~~~~~earlier versions ofthesoftware hasbeendonewith XMD and * todisplay colored images;